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Showing posts from 2016

Chromatin,Chromosome and Chromatid

Chromatin, Chromosome and Chromatid Confused mate?? Who ain't confused about the chromatin, chromosome and chromatid especially when we study cell division. Well not anymore. Remember this: Technically chromatin, chromosome and chromatid are all same; only at various stages the name differ. Basic info:  Chromosome/Chromatin/Chromatid = long length of DNA+ histone proteins (see fig) Cell cycle= Interphase + Cell divison( Prophase+ Metaphase+Anaphase+Telophase) 1.  Chromatin  = The un-condensed form i.e; long thread like and appear at Interphase and Telophase  because when chromosome is uncondensed it is easier for DNA to replicate or translate. If DNA is in condensed form, it can't duplicate or translate. 2. Chromosome = General name. It is highly condensed and has centromere somewhere along the length. Appears during Early Prophase and Anaphase cell divison stage  because during prophase to anaphase no need of Translation or rep...

Are you confused about Homoptera, Hemiptera and Heteroptera???

Old Concept: The order Heteroptera is divided into two sub order  1. Homoptera = Hopper, Cicada, Aphids, Scale Insects, Moss bugs 2. Hemiptera =  True Bugs Mid Concept{only i call it because its prevalent in my college (AFU)}: There are only two order Homoptera and Hemiptera. There is no such thing as Hetetoptera and sub order. New Concept( since 2012 ): There is single order Hemiptera which is divided into 4 sub-order 1. Auchenorrhyncha = Hopper, Cicada 2. Sternorrhyncha = Aphids, Scale Insect 3. Coleorrhyncha = Moss bugs 4. Heteroptera = True Bugs  Thus basically Homoptera includes Auchenorrhyncha, Sternorrhyncha and Coleorrhyncha but nowadays we dont say homoptera.  And hemiptera is changed to heteroptera. I know its bit confusing and it always will be because like every other biological classification, its ever changing. We still dont have the precise classification about anything whether its giant talking tree from LOTR or the ...


Name :    Nepali- Bodhsal  Japanese- Kiri  Otheers- Raajkumari/ Maharani birkshya Origin : China Biology: 60-70 Ft tall In spring, it flowers in blue and white colour for 1 month leaves are long and wide measuring up to 2 ft long  Stem is quite light(40x compared to other tress) and bit yellow in colour Variety: 17 var among which T omentosa  and F ortunei   are the fast growing(matures in 8-10 years) Growth: 1 year= 20-30 ft tall 5-6 years= 60-70 ft tall 8-10 years= Fully matures Economy (2016 Nepal): 1  tree yields 30-36 ft 3 wood 1 Ft 3 costs- Rs 15,000 1 tree will give us Rs 40,000- 60000 Cultivation: Cultivated upto 2100 masl Plants/ha—200  Uses: 1. wood is khadilo, kira nalagni, na mikkinay, na bangini, na pasaangrinay, na futni,   chadai na jalnii 2. Furniture,ships, toys, house, oil, wine, beer, fruits packaging, aeroplane gliders etc 3. After cutting up the wood, its dust i...